- 8
- 33
- 22
LX Pantos Logistics offers a comprehensive CL(Contract Logistics) service for various industries.
We control and manage our operations thoroughly through in-house staff.
Also, we provide different logistics services that combine know-house and know-where and optimal solutions that prioritize customer values.
Shipping Services
- Cargo storage business
- Transport/Shipping
- Consulting and
recommendation business
LX Pantos Logistics offers customers a continuous and competitive shipping system with its core competencies.
- Proposal of operation plans
via consulting
- Customized service
by industry group
- Service improvement
through quality control
Ranked No.1 in export/import volume within Korea, LX Pantos Logistics provides a one-stop shipping service
from ports/airports to the customer's doorstep.
- Port Terminal/Airport
- CY/Warehouse
- CY/Warehouse
- Customer
- Offering all kinds of
transportation services
in Korea
- Dispatch of transport
vehicles nationwide
- Providing transportation
services customized
for the customer's
logistics setting
- Securing freight rate
by working with various
LX Pantos' businesses
Local Network
Overseas Network
LX Pantos Logistics offers logistics services via 353 networks, which include 250 warehouses in 40 countries around the world.
- Country
- Region
- Network
- Warehouse
Europe -
India/Middle East/Africa - 6
- 54
- 42
China - 8
- 68
- 52
CIS - 2
- 13
- 6
Asia/Oceania - 10
- 55
- 27
North America - 3
- 17
- 10
South America - 4
- 14
- 5
Republic of Korea(HQ) - 5
- 99
- 94
- General Transportation jaeyoung.byun@lxpantos.com
- Ex/Import Transportation jaehyeon.lim@lxpantos.com
- Overseas Warehouse/Distribution daniel.oh@lxpantos.com